
The amazing benefits of cold laser therapy!

cold laser therapy

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The use of cold laser therapy(CLT) is becoming increasingly popular among those looking for an alternative to traditional surgery. While CLT isn’t a replacement for conventional surgery, it has shown great potential as an alternative for treating a variety of conditions. Instead of the pain, inflammation, and swelling associated with traditional surgery, those who treat their condition with CLT often experience little to no discomfort. This type of treatment allows those suffering from the condition to continue with their normal daily activities without having to restrict their mobility. Keep reading to learn more about the amazing benefits of cold laser therapy!

What is cold laser therapy?

CLT is a form of low-level laser therapy that is delivered using a specialized device. Cold laser therapy uses a wavelength that is cooled by the laser. This allows the laser to reach deeper tissues, resulting in better treatment of certain conditions. The technology in CLT has also made it an increasingly popular treatment option for those looking for an alternative to traditional surgery, without the pain, inflammation, and swelling associated with an invasive procedure.

How the cold laser treatment works

CLT works by targeting the specific areas of the body that are causing the discomfort. Unlike traditional light therapy, which is delivered from a distance, CLT uses a specialized device that delivers low levels of light directly to the area of the body that needs treatment. The laser is then used to target the specific areas of the body that are causing the discomfort, without damaging healthy tissue. This allows cold laser therapy to be an effective treatment option for a variety of conditions, without the pain, inflammation, and swelling associated with traditional surgery.

How low-level laser therapy works

The term ‘cold’ refers to the temperature at which the light source emits energy. This type of treatment uses low-level lasers that emit low-level light at specific wavelengths. These wavelengths are absorbed by water and oxygen molecules in our tissues, causing them to heat up and produce heat shock proteins. Heat shock proteins help repair damaged tissue and lead to faster healing.

Cold laser therapy for treating chronic knee pain

What conditions does cold laser therapy treat?

Cold laser therapy is highly effective for pain relief and is used to treat many chronic pain conditions, including:

Cold laser therapy to treat minor injuries and sprains

In addition to treating the above conditions, cold laser therapy has also been used to treat minor injuries and sprains. When used in this manner, CLT is often used to alleviate pain and reduce swelling. In addition, this type of treatment is often used to accelerate the healing process. As a result, those who use CLT often find that they can return to their normal activities faster than they would have if they had chosen invasive surgery.

When someone suffers from an injury, it can be challenging to determine the best course of action. In many cases, the best course of action is to allow the wound to heal naturally. However, in some cases, it may be in the individual’s best interest to offer cold laser therapy to help the injury heal. In these cases, cold laser therapy can help reduce pain and inflammation associated with the injury and accelerate the healing process to reduce the time it takes for the damage to heal.


When someone experiences inflammation, their body’s immune system responds by releasing chemicals that cause pain, swelling, and discomfort. The use of cold laser therapy can reduce the production of these chemicals, reducing the pain, swelling, and discomfort associated with the inflammation. In addition, by reducing the inflammation associated with a condition, those who treat it with cold laser therapy can often continue their normal daily activities without restricting their mobility.

Wound Healing

The use of cold laser therapy has many beneficial effects when it comes to supporting the body’s natural healing process. CLT has been shown to improve blood flow and tissue repair by increasing the rate at which wounds heal. When used in conjunction with traditional wound care treatments such as irrigation and compression, CLT can increase the speed at which wounds heal. This enables those who use CLT to return to their normal activities faster than if they had chosen to have traditional surgery, without the pain, inflammation, and swelling associated with surgical procedures.

Book an appointment

If you’re suffering from chronic conditions that cause you pain and discomfort, we can help. Book an appointment with a certified practitioner today to assess and create an individualized treatment plan. In addition to providing cold laser therapy in Calgary, Optimum Alberta Back and Neck Rehab is a full-service rehabilitation clinic. We take pride in being able to offer a variety of treatment options for patients of all ages and conditions. Our goal is to help you live your best life by providing you with the most effective treatment options available. Book an appointment today and let us help you get back to enjoying life without the aches and pains!

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