
Nerve Flossing

Nerve Flossing -drrontoma

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Nerve flossing – what is it? 

It is the gentle mobilization of various nerves throughout the body by utilizing simple, yet effective stretching techniques. When done properly, nerve flossing allows the compressed and/or irritated nerves to move freely along its path throughout the body.  This action helps reduce adhesions, increase range of motion and ultimately reduce pain. 

What symptoms may I have? 

When a nerve becomes irritated or compressed, patients may experience numbness, tingling, sharp/electrical pain and/or muscle weakness/fatigue.  

What conditions is nerve flossing suitable for? 

This is a simple, yet effective way of treating many nerve conditions such as low back pain, neck pain, sciatica, carpal tunnel syndrome, cubital tunnel syndrome, tarsal tunnel syndrome, hand/foot numbness/tingling and various other nerve impingement conditions. 

How is it done? 

Nerve flossing is done by combining the movement or two or more joints in an alternating fashion. This results in an increase in tension on the nerve at one end, and a decrease in the tension at the other. This results in the nerve gently sliding along its path throughout the body. 

To learn more, feel free to reach out to our clinic at 403 245 8282 

These exercises should be prescribed and monitored by a licensed health care practitioner

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