
7 Pain Treatments Your Doctor Doesn’t Know About

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The world of pain treatment can be overwhelming. The sheer volume of information available to Doctors makes it nearly impossible to be up to date on the latest treatments for pain. General practitioners are frequently asked about pain treatment options, but their responses are restricted to what they are personally familiar with. This article will discuss the 7 pain treatments your doctor doesn’t know about that we provide at Alberta Back and Neck Rehab and why they are effective.

Pain Treatments Your Doctor Should Know About

The treatments we will discuss here are not outside of the mainstream. Unfortunately, they are often overlooked despite being cutting-edge in pain treatments. The reason is that the information is often overlooked by doctors who do not specialize in pain management and injury rehabilitation. Many of these treatments have been around for years but remain relatively unknown. At Alberta Back and Neck Rehab, we specialize in pain management and injury rehabilitation, and we are proud to offer the latest treatments to our patients.

DRX 9000 Lumbar Spine Decompression

DRX 9000 is highly effective in the treatment of chronic back pain. It is a non-invasive treatment that uses decompression to relieve pressure on the spinal nerves. DRX 9000 is the only treatment that can relieve stress on the spinal nerves without surgery.

DRX 9000 non-surgical Spinal Decompression
DRX 9000 non-surgical Spinal Decompression in Calgary

The DRX 9000 is excellent for treating:

Upper and lower back pain

Disc Bulges


Disc Degeneration

Herniations (Herniated Discs)



Mechanical Neck Dysfunction (Muscle imbalance)

Spinal Support Muscle Weakness (Muscle imbalance)

Spinal Muscle Imbalance

Scoliosis Pain Management

MedX Medical Lumbar Rehab

In a nutshell: MedX strengthens your back. The MedX isolates the lower back region using its proprietary pelvic restraint system. This system prevents your pelvis from moving, ensuring only your lower back muscles do all the work. Effectively isolating your back muscles helps build, strengthen and train the muscles you need to prevent further injury.

MedX Medical Lumbar Rehab
MedX Medical Lumbar Rehab

How MedX Works

After establishing a baseline, the MedX machine will provide a computerized series of controlled movements for your to follow. As you get closer to matching the movements suggested on screen, your back muscles will begin to strengthen and build. As your muscles get stronger, you will be able to do more movements, and the machine will adjust to your increased strength. Your MedX therapist will be able to monitor your progress and adjust your program as needed.

MedX Medical Lumbar Rehab treats the following conditions:

Chronic lower back pain

Degenerative Disc Disease


Weak Stabilizer (multifidus muscles)

Spinal Accessory muscles

Increases lower back flexibility

Supports symmetrical Balance of the muscle groups in the lower back

Patient Response

Most patients who have used MedX report a significant reduction in back pain in as little as four to five weeks after beginning treatment. For example, 80% of the patients we’ve treated with our MedX Medical Lumbar Rehab in Calgary, Alberta, have reported significant pain relief.

BTE Multi-Cervical Rehab Unit (MCU)

The MCU is a machine that uses advanced technology to test and rehabilitate your neck muscles. Weak neck muscles are often the most common reason for neck pain. In addition, when your neck muscles are weak, it often causes other symptoms to arise, such as headaches and hypertension. The Multi-Cervical Rehab Unit is designed to help you target your neck muscles and strengthen them. Strengthening your neck muscles will relieve your neck pain and tension-related headaches while also helping to prevent future injuries.

Multi-Cervical Rehab Unit for neck pain treatment
Multi-Cervical Rehab Unit for neck pain treatment

How The Multi-Cervical Rehab Unit Works

The MCU unit uses a computer-assisted system to track and analyze your neck movements. The system will then help strengthen your neck muscles by gradually increasing the resistance. Once your neck muscles are strong, you will notice reduced neck pain and headaches over time.

The MCU can be used to treat the following conditions

Whiplash Injuries


Chronic Neck Pain


Disc Bulge Rehabilitation

Disc Herniation Rehabilitation

Disc Degeneration (Degenerative Disc Disease)

Spinal Support Muscle Weakness (Muscle Imbalance)

Cold Laser Therapy

Cold Laser Therapy is an effective treatment for pain, injuries, and arthritis. The treatment promotes the healing of soft tissue such as tendons, ligaments, and muscles. It is a non-invasive treatment and can be an option to explore with your regular doctor as a possible alternative to more invasive treatments. Cold Laser Therapy can be especially effective when used in conjunction with other treatments such as massage, acupuncture and physiotherapy.

Cold Laser Therapy Treatment
Cold Laser Therapy Treatment

How Cold Laser Therapy Works

Cold Laser Therapy works by using a Low-Intensity Laser (LIL) to treat degenerative conditions and injuries. It does this by increasing the temperature of the tissue directed at to provoke a natural healing response. As the LIL is absorbed by the tissue, the body responds by speeding up cellular metabolism. When the cells are metabolizing at a higher rate, it causes the area of treatment to heal faster.

Cold Laser Therapy can be used to treat:

Repetitive stress injuries


Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS)

Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD) and Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

Rotator cuff tears

Ligament tears

Tendon tears

Facet Joint Syndrome (FJS)

Subluxations of the spine and joints (misalignment of the spinal vertebrae) (pinched spinal nerves)

Turf Toe

Inflammatory conditions such as:



Myositis (muscle inflammation)

Fasciitis (fibrous tissue inflammation)

Synovitis (inflammation of the joint)

Degenerative Conditions:

Osteoarthritis (degenerative joint disease)

Discogenic Radiculopathy

Vertebrogenic Radiculopathy

Chondromalacia Patella

Rheumatoid arthritis conditions

Shockwave Therapy

Despite the name, no electric shocks are involved, and the treatment is painless and non-invasive. Shockwave treatment employs low-level acoustic Shockwaves to stimulate new tissue growth. Stimulating blood vessel growth which helps provide nutrients to facilitate new tendon and ligament healing. Shockwave therapy is typically used to treat tendonitis, tendonopathy and pain associated with muscles and ligaments (soft tissues).

Shockwave therapy for treating Plantar fasciitis
Shockwave Therapy Treating Plantar Fasciitis

How Shockwave Therapy Works

Acoustic waves penetrate tissue, creates micro-traumas in the treated area to provoke the body’s natural healing process, without damaging surrounding tissue, making it a safe and effective treatment. The shockwaves are focused on the area of the body being treated. Shockwave therapy is more effective than ultrasound therapy.

Shockwave Therapy Typically treats:

Tendinitis (golfer’s elbow(medial epicondylitis)/tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis))

Tendonopathy (arthritis of the tendon)

Achilles tendinitis

Plantar fasciitis

Chronic Plantar Heel Pain

Tendinosis Calcarea (calcium deposits)

Rotator Cuff Calcific Tendinitis

Hamstring sprain/strain

Qudracep sprain/strain


Patella tendinitis

Partial soft tissue tears

Frozen shoulder

Patient Response to Shockwave Therapy Treatment

Shockwave therapy has an overwhelmingly favourable patient response. For example, most patients who had Shockwave Therapy in Calgary for Plantar Fasciitis reported decreased pain and improved function.

This doesn’t surprise us, as numerous studies have proven that Shockwave Therapy is a very effective treatment.

The following studies have been conducted regarding the effectiveness of Shockwave Therapy:

– 91% success for patients diagnosed with calcific tendinopathy (Journal of American Medical Association, 2003).

– 90% improvement for plantar fasciitis (Journal of Orthopedic Research, 2005)

– 86% improvement for rotator cuff tendonitis (Journal of American Medical Association, 2003)

– 80% improvement for non-union fractures (Clinical Orthopedics and related research, 2001)

– 77% improvement for tennis elbow (The Journal of Orthopedics, 2005)

– 75% improvement for Jumper’s Knee (patellar tendonitis) – American Journal of Sports Medicine, 2007)

– 75% improvement for Achilles tendinopathy (American Journal of Sports Medicine, 2007)

PrimusRS for Rehab and Athletic Performance Training

The PrimusRS is a revolutionary, rehabilitation and athletic performance training machine. It is designed to provide the highest level of accuracy and precision for individualized rehabilitation and athletic performance. The PrimusRS provides advanced performance and progress tracking that can be used to monitor and measure the effectiveness of treatment and recovery.

How the PrimusRS works

The PrimusRS uses highly accurate, evidence-based data to assess and monitor the effects of treatment and recovery. The PrimusRS uses a combination of sensors and technology to guide the user through a series of exercises.

PrimusRS can be used to treat:

Injuries to extremities

– Post ACL surgery rehab

– Post knee replacement rehab

– Frozen shoulder (Increasing range of motion and strength)

– Repititive

– Ankle injury rehab

– Wrist injury rehab

– Extremitity Rehabilitation

Increase sports performance

– For golf it can increase club head speed by 15-20 mph in as little as 6 visits

– Baseball

– Football

– Swimming

– Mixed Martial Arts


All seven of our advanced pain treatments are effective methods to treat pain, but medical doctors are often unaware of them.

Make an Appointment

If you’re suffering from any of the ailments listed above, don’t suffer in silence. Alberta Back and Neck Rehab uses the most advanced chiropractic and rehabilitation technology. Our highly qualified doctors and specialists are eager to assist you in regaining your health. You deserve a pain-free life, so give us a call today!

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